Need Made-to-Order Concrete? Come to Reimer Foundations Ltd.
Concrete for Any Project or Application
Reimer Foundations Ltd. has concrete materials available to suit any size project or application, ranging from building foundations to decorative driveways and patios. We have basic concrete mixes available with air entrainment (tiny air bubbles) or without, including:
5 MPa – 45 MPa (megapascals)
Other Products for Purchase or Rental
Other concrete products we have available for purchase or rental in the Valleyview and High Prairie areas include:
Set delays
Fiber mesh
Concrete sealers for interior/exterior use
Stamp releases
Park City Slate pattern concrete stamps available for rent for decorative concrete finishing
Jersey block (24” Wide x 36” High x 8’ Long)
Interlocking blocks:
Half blocks (2.5’ Wide x 2.5’ High x 2.5’ Long)
Full size blocks (2.5’ Wide x 2.5’ High x 5’ Long)
Need Delivery? No Problem!
We also offer concrete delivery services, typically within 1-2 hours. Please feel free to contact us with the details of your next project, and we will do our best to accommodate you!